Portal 2 chapter 5
Portal 2 chapter 5

portal 2 chapter 5

If you are interested in some screenshots, you can find them here. Once that was done the next challenge was making all of my different functions work during a level transition (which was not that difficult). The elevators alone took me 6 months to model and another month to create all of the logic/bugfix. Since there have been no proper Portal maps, I wanted to try my best to stay as faithful to the game as I can, and by doing that, a lot of things take a while to create and bugfix. Some people have asked me "why are you taking so long to make a map".

portal 2 chapter 5

Everything uses commands and no redstone logic gates Level signs that can flicker on activation. Portals take on the texture of the background block I did originally plan to show more, but since an update was very overdue, I just completed the first 2 test chambers and updated them with the new features. It's been a very long time since my last significant update on my Portal map.

portal 2 chapter 5

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Portal 2 chapter 5